Comandos msm

O msm – minecraft server manager – é um programa desenvolvido para realizar o gerenciamento de servidores minecraft.

Ele facilita o procedimento de atualização do servidor, envio de notificações aos jogadores e o procedimento de backup de servidores e de mundos.

Esta é a lista dos principais comandos do msm:

$ msm help
Usage: /usr/local/bin/msm command:

--Setup Commands------------------------------------------------
  server list                                   List servers
  server create <name>                          Creates a new Minecraft server
  server delete <name>                          Deletes an existing Minecraft server
  server rename <name> <new-name>               Renames an existing Minecraft server

--Server Management Commands------------------------------------
  <server> start                                Starts a server
  <server> stop [now]                           Stops a server after warning players, or right now
  <server> restart [now]                        Restarts a server after warning players, or right now
  <server> status                               Show the running/stopped status of a server
  <server> connected                            List a servers connected players
  <server> worlds list                          Lists the worlds a server has
  <server> worlds load                          Creates links to worlds in storage for a server
  <server> worlds ram <world>                   Toggles a world's "in RAM" status
  <server> worlds todisk                        Synchronises any "in RAM" worlds to disk a server has
  <server> worlds backup                        Makes a backup of all worlds a server has
  <server> worlds on|off <world>                Activate or deactivate a world, inactive worlds are not backed up
  <server> logroll                              Move a server log to a gziped archive, to reduce lag
  <server> backup                               Makes a backup of an entire server directory
  <server> jar <jargroup> [<file>]              Sets a server's jar file
  <server> console                              Connects to the interactive console. Access may be limited
  <server> config [<setting> <value>]           Lists server settings, or sets a specific setting.

--Server Pass Through Commands----------------------------------
  <server> wl on|off                            Enables/disables server whitelist checking
  <server> wl add|remove <player>               Add/remove a player to/from a server's whitelist
  <server> wl list                              List the players whitelisted for a server
  <server> bl player add|remove <player>        Ban/pardon a player from/for a server
  <server> bl ip add|remove <ip address>        Ban/pardon an IP address from/for a server
  <server> bl list                              Lists the banned players and IP address for a server
  <server> op add|remove <player>               Add/remove operator status for a player on a server
  <server> op list                              Lists the operator players for a server
  <server> gm survival|creative <player>        Change the game mode for a player on a server
  <server> kick <player>                        Forcibly disconnect a player from a server
  <server> say <message>                        Broadcast a (pink) message to all players on a server
  <server> time set|add <number>                Set/increment time on a server (0-24000)
  <server> toggledownfall                       Toggles rain and snow on a server
  <server> give <player> <item> [amount] [data] Gives an entity to a player
  <server> xp <player> <amount>                 Gives XP to, or takes away (when negative) XP from, a player
  <server> save on|off                          Enable/disable writing world changes to file
  <server> save all                             Force the writing of all non-saved world changes to file
  <server> cmd <command>                        Send a command string to the server and return
  <server> cmdlog <command>                     Same as 'cmd' but shows log output afterwards (Ctrl+C to exit)

--Jar Commands--------------------------------------------------
  jargroup list                                 List the stored jar files.
  jargroup create <name> <download-url>         Create a new jar group, with a URL for new downloads
  jargroup delete <name>                        Delete a jar group
  jargroup rename <name> <new-name>             Rename a jar group
  jargroup changeurl <name> <download-url>      Change the download URL for a jar group
  jargroup getlatest <name>                     Download the latest jar file for a jar group

--Global Commands-----------------------------------------------
  start                                         Starts all active servers
  stop [now]                                    Stops all running servers
  restart [now]                                 Restarts all active servers
  version                                       Prints the Minecraft Server Manager version installed
  config                                        Displays a list of the config values used by MSM
  update [--noinput]                            Replaces MSM files with the latest recommended versions

Com o msm, podemos agendar tarefas para sincronizar os mundos com os arquivos, criar backups dos mundos automaticamente e rotacionar os logs.

# Minecraft Server Manager Cron
# Backs up worlds, rolls logs, moves worlds in RAM to disk,
# and starts crashed servers
# For more information visit the project home page:
# Backs up all worlds for all servers at 2 minutes past 5 in the morning
02    05  *   *   *   minecraft   /etc/init.d/msm all worlds backup
# Rolls the logs for all servers at 55 minutes past 4 in the morning
55    04  *   *   *   minecraft   /etc/init.d/msm all logroll
# Moves all "in RAM" worlds to disk every half hour for all servers
*/30  *   *   *   *   minecraft   /etc/init.d/msm all worlds todisk
# Start any crashed servers again each hour
@hourly               minecraft   /etc/init.d/msm start